What a way to start the year! #NRF2022

The first real-life show after two years!

“How was it?” you may well ask.

It might not have been quite as busy as in previous years, but it was actually an advantage to spend more quality time with people who made the effort to go to the show for real business requirements, not just ‘browsers’…

After two years of attending and hosting digital events, it was liberating to be hosting the booth, socialising and the NY parties of course! The change back to ‘normal’ has highlighted the importance of meeting people in person as we have definitely strengthened our existing partnerships. As much as technology is an integral part of our lives and communication, it is not the same without a human touch. Now we are fully back in the game and ready for NRF2023!

We didn’t get that many team pictures but here are a few snaps of our booth, NY rendezvous and booth appreciation at the show!